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Wiki Main Page > Resource Pages > Screencasting
Resource Pages :: Screencasting & Online Tutorials
Screencasts are recordings of actions taking place on a computer screen. Software like Wink, Camtasia and Captivate let you record mouse movement, windows opening and closing, menus being opened, forms being filled in and so on, basically anything that happens on the screen. The recordings can be edited to delete sections and to add arrows, text and other graphics. Audio can be added to further explain what's happening on the screen. The final product is a video that users can view on a web page or download to their computer.
This page lists examples of library tutorials on a variety of subjects - catalogs, databases, internet searching and more. Many were created with screencasting software, others with presentation tools like PowerPoint, and some use Flash and other graphics tools that require more technical and graphics expertise. All provide interesting ideas for creating your own online tutorials.
*Camtasia examples
*Wink examples
Public Library examples
School Examples
Academic Library examples
- University of Buffalo Health Sciences Library - YouTube channel with a collection of screencasts made by Dean Hendrix using Camtasia.
- Bennington Libraries - tutorials created with Adobe Captivate
- How to Evaluate Periodicals - Univ of Buffalo. This looks like it was created by using a Powerpoint that was then recorded and narrated. This made it possible to have boxes, arrows, etc that were animated. Clever.
- Dissecting a Database -- Screencast incorporated into a comprehensive research tutorial - CSU Long Beach.
- How Do I .. ? -- University of Washington Library tutorials. Excellent tutorials created by Jen Waller using Captivate.
- Truncation - One of a number of tutorials from Wake Forest University. Nice casual style. Short, focused, practical. Great examples. (I think these were done with Camtasia)
- Instructional Videos - Variety of screencasts from U Texas Arlington. (more from UTArlington)
- Olin Library - Research Minutes - Fun, goofy styling. These short videos use photos, music, voice over and screenshots. Short, fun and effective.
- Academic Search Premier - A Google Docs presentation embedded on a blog page. With option to leave video comments and contact library staff via a meebo chat box. (Luria Library, Santa Barbara City College)
- RefWorks Support - UConn screencast videos explain how to export citations from various databases to RefWorks.
- Making Your LibGuides Rawk -- Narrated slide presentation created by Cindi Trainor for the ALA BIGWIG Showcase, 2008.
- LibX Screencast - Kathryn Greenhill (Murdoch Univ). Blog post discusses the screencasting process.
- Wetherill Park College Library -- Nice overview of library services created with screenshots or PPT slides and narration. Could have been done with video editing software like MS Movie Maker. Posted to blip.tv as a video.
- UCLA Library Search & Find -- Includes two screencasts on Google Scholar created with with Camtasia
- Central Michigan University -- Created for off campus students, these short and to the point tutuorials help students use the libraries online resources. Text of the audio is displayed next to the screencast. Nice touch. (Created with Captivate)
- What is Library 2.0 - Kathryn Greenhill - Murdoch Uni - Narrated PPT slides on Slideshare. Nice alternative to using screencasting software.
- CSU Libraries Tutorials -- Colorado State Univ. Tutorials on research, catalogs, etc. Nice "workbooks" created for specific classes, complete with a quiz! eg: Chemistry
- MeeboMe Desktop - Short screencast on placing a Meebo widget on a PC desktop. From Paul Pival (original post on his blog)
- LION: Library Information literacy Online Network - Screencasts from the ANimated Tutorial Sharing Project (or ANTS), hosted on blip.tv.
- Norwich University - Database tutorials created with Captivate.
- More from the ANTS project - DSpace repository & Screencast.com repository
More Examples
Other examples using Wink
- Optimizing Pictures in Power Point - Tutorial created with Wink. Note they’ve customized the background of the web page that the video plays on. Use an external style sheet to do this, so you can maintain a consistent look to all your tutorials.
- Opera Browser Tutorials - created with Wink. Nice custom callout boxes and arrows.
Collections of tutorial and instructional materials
Screencasting Software
Free desktop applications
- Wink -- free, open source, capture screen action, post capture editing, audio options
- uTIPu - Pretty nifty free screen recording tool. Download application and run it from your desktop. Has screen zoom option. No post recording editing, but audio track can be re-recorded. FIles saved as .flv. Free hosting on uTIPu website.
- Jing - from TechSmith, free. Take static screenshots and records video screencasts. Limited to 5 minutes. Record audio as you record video. Free hosting and sharing. Content is stored on Screencast.com - limit to 2GB of storage and 2 GB of bandwidth per month.
- ScreenPresso - Has $28 Pro version too.
FREE browser based applications
- Screencastomatic - Create your screencast online. Java based tool lets you capture screen actions, records and exports .mov file.
- Capture Fox - Handy addon for Firefox that will record anything on your computer screen (browser or desktop apps). Choice of recording quality and frames-per-second. Recording is saved to your computer. Must upload to a video site to share.
- Screenr - Creates a format that can be viewed natively on the iPhone. Designed to work directly with Twitter.
- (screenjelly & screentoaster seem to have disappeared - 8/2011)
Macintosh software (I haven't tested these)
More Screen Capture and Screencasting Tools
Hosting your Screencasts
- Your own servers - most control over file formats and access.
- YouTube - Great exposure to tons of users, but might be blocked in K-12 schools.
- TeacherTube, Blip.tv, Vimeo (free & pro options)- Other free services to consider.
Alternatives to Screencasting
- Narrated PowerPoint on Slideshare.net
- Slideshare.net - If screen shots are sufficient to explain your topic, then PowerPoint slides are a simple alternative to screencasting software.
- Use a screen capture tool like Snagit, ScreenHunter (free), Fireshot (Firefox addon) or your computer built in screen capture options to get the screen shots
- Paste them into PPT slides and edit as needed. Upload them to Slideshare.net.
- Create an audio file to narrate the slides.
- Store that on your own web site or a free hosting site like blip.tv.
- Use Slideshare's editing tools to synchronize the audio and slides. Quite easy!
- Examples:
- Windows Movie Maker (or other video editor) - Import your screenshots, photos and other media. Add narration. Export as a video.
- VoiceThread -- Create a narrated slide show from your photos.
Great for digital storytelling, narrating presentation slides and much more. Upload your photos and images, arrange them online, narrate online. No software needed.
Tips, Tools and Ideas
Tip: To turn text into a link, highlight the text, then click on a page or file from the list above.
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