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Resources :: Video Resources 


Video Resources


Video is an incredibly popular format these days.  It provides a great way to promote library services and programs to a wider audience. Students make creative use of video as a learning/presentation tool in schools. Screencasts can help library staff and customers learn how to use your library services. Videos produced by others help explain new web services and software tools. Conference presentations, powerpoint presentations and library events can also be shared via video.


(Note to "Flip Out" workshop participants: Music & Sound resources)


Library related video examples


Kids & Teen Projects


Other Examples - Learning, information sharing, professional development & Just Plain Fun


Editing Software and tools


Editing on a PC


 Editing on a Mac - People say that it's much easier to edit video on a Mac. I'll have to take their word for it until someone lets me borrow a Mac! And to think my first 2 or 3 computers were Macs. Do I hear an airbook calling me?




Video Hosting Sites


Some How to's 

"David Makes a Video" - great, succinct, video on making a video with a PC and Windows Movie Maker.



How to plan and film a how to video - basic steps


How To Make A 'How To' Film


Movie Maker Video Editing Tutorial

YouTube plugin error



More information


More Tools


Online video Formats:

compressed formats for online viewing.




notes to self: 

jashaka ?? open source video editor ? - give it a try