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School Library - Learning 2.0 Tech Camp 


Please visit the WallWisher page and share what YOU want to learn this weekend!



Welcome to Tech Camp!


(Image courtesy of Michael Stephens -

The Hyperlinked School Library)


School Library Learning 2.0 Tech Camp is a two day immersion in technology tools and and an opportunity to explore ideas for integrating technology into the curriculum.  These sessions offer school librarians an opportunity to explore a variety of online tools & services that will help them work more efficiently, improve their library's online presence and enhance student learning.


The resources for these sessions have been set up as individual modules or "things", so you can pick and choose what you want to focus on. There are some core activities we'll all do as a group during the workshops, but you can choose which of the other "things" you want to explore.  And we hope you'll take the time to explore some of the other sections as you have time after the workshop. 


As part of the workshop, you'll have a chance to start developing project ideas for use in your classes. And the best part of the weekend is the opportunity to share ideas, collaborate and learn from your conversations colleagues. Oh and did we mention that we'll have fun?



Oh the "things" we'll learn....




Additional Material


The project is modeled after the Learning 2.0 - 23 Things project developed by Helene Blowers and staff members at the at the Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County and numerous other Learning 2.0 projects. Thanks in particular to 23 Things Kansas, (Heather Braum),  All Together Now (Michael Stephens) and my friends on Twitter & Facebook for sharing tips and ideas. If you're interested in running a program like this for you students, check out Teen Learning 2.0 from the California School Library Association.











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