


Creating 'Live' Subject Guides

RSS meets Social Bookmarking meets Wikis


"Live" Subject Guides created with RSS


Many libraries use the magic of RSS to create subject guides and pathfinders that automatically update themselves.  Tools like feed2js, ... .. make it possible to take the content from a web pages with an RSS feed and display that content on your own web pages, blogs and wikis.


If you're using a news reader like Bloglines or Google Reader, you've already seen how one web page (your news reader) can display headlines from  news pages, blogs and more. What if you could get some of those headlines to display on your library's web pages as well?  Wouldn't it be great to have book reviews from the New York Times appear on your web page with readers resources. Well you can!



An Example



How does it work?






Live Subject Guide Tests - RSS meets Social Bookmarking meets Wikis



Where to start?


"Live" Subject Guides

Feed links to a wiki for a quick live subject guide.