
Wiki Main Page > School Library Tech Camp > Backchannel Sharing


School Library Tech Camp - Thing 12 : Backchannel Sharing




For lack of a better broad category, I'm using the popular term 'backchannel' to describe these tools. These are all tools that can be easily used to share questions, comments, ideas, suggestions, notes, brainstorming, etc. in a group setting. They can be used before, during and/or after a class, workshop or session.


Uses in School 





By now you'll all have posted a note or two to the class WallWisher wall. So try something new from this list of suggested activities.


  1. Post something to the class TodaysMeet livestream.
  2. Set up your own WallWisher wall or TodaysMeet room.
  3. Post a note or question in this Google Moderator session.
  4. Text a message to my Wiffiti board: Text @wif33420 + your message to 87884




Selected Backchannel Tools


Some Tools: