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lib20 / 2012-09-wswhe-TechTools


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Workshop: Technology and the Common Core


Workshop date: October 4, 2012 - 12:30 PM to 3 PM

Sponsored by: WSWHE BOCES SLS 


Workshop Description:  

  • During this session we'll explore a variety of tech tools, brainstorm potential connections with the Common Core standards and consider which ones will work best for you. 

Workshop Goals: 

  • Opportunity to explore a range of technology tools that interest you. 
  • Share ideas for how tools might support student learning and your own work. 
  • Explore possible collaborations with other workshop participants.
  • Have fun and PLAY!   


But First! 








Tool   Notes  & Resources Examples 
  • Terrific curation tool. Create topic oriented collections of resources.
  • Share your favorite resources, articles, web tools, whatever interests you.
  • Use it to create guide to resources for specific projects.  
  • Students can collect research resources for projects, collaborate with others and add their own notes about resources.
  • A Senior Shares Why She is Falling in Love with ScoopIt
  • Note: Pinterest ideas can work equally well in ScoopIt  



  • Another fun curation tool, this one is very graphical and oriented towards sharing. 
  • Your Pinterest home page will be full of the items 'pinned' by the people you are following. 
  • Many are using it to collect resources for class projects, highlighting new materials in the library, encouraging others to repin content and share.  
  • Students can create a reading board, sharing their favorite books and other materials.
  • Create a "who am I" board. 
  • History project - each student take a decade and create a board of materials related to that decade.
  • Encourage students to comment and share ideas.  
  • Or a video playlist board. 
  • Create boards of content geared towards parents - resources to help them help their kids. 
  • Events, crafts, seasonal resources, project resource boards..... 
  • T4LT Pinterest - Quick intro video 
  • 37 Ways Teachers Should USe Pinterest 
  • 10 Ways to Use Pinterest in the Classroom 
  • Frog Unit (Lauren Abad) 
  • February Archive (you'll find tons of great resources by homeschooling parents)
  • Tech Tools for Work (great resources from Kia Brooks, Tech Coordinator for an elementary school) 
  • AV Board - great for saving links back to videos. Lots more great boards here.  





Tool   Notes  & Resources Examples 
  • Both Learnist and MentorMob let you curate learning materials. Kind of a "playlist" for learning resources. 
  • Could step students through materials you want them to cover
  • Students could create their own lists of resources 


  • Both Learnist and MentorMob let you curate learning materials. Kind of a "playlist" for learning resources. 
  • Could step students through materials you want them to cover
  • Students could create their own lists of resources 







Tool   Notes  & Resources Examples 
  • Turn your social media feeds into a newspaper. Add your twitter account and let find the best content from everyone you follow and turn that content into your daily newspaper. Handy! 
  • Uses other social media and topical news resources too.
  • Students could us this to create a custom paper for keeping up on a selected topic. eg: some science news sources and use keywords to surface just the content a student is interested in.  
  • Create a newspaper for your school, add just your own blogs, tweets, news sites, etc.
  • Very similar in concept to, but as an iPad,iPohone and Androic app. 







Tool   Notes  & Resources Examples 
Storybird for Schools





  • Yet another tool that might fall in the curation category.
  • Add photos to locations on a map. Add notes about the photo and location.
  • Create Collections of photos to share a story of a community, a voyage, a life. 
  • Create Tours to lead visitors through a story or a tour of a community. 
  • Also, a wonderful way to explore history through photos and stories. 
  • Schools & HistoryPin



  • Similar to HistoryPin, but lacking the ability to create collections and tours. 
  • Easy way to create an online slideshow with your slides on one side of the screen and a video of you narrating on the other sides
  • Create slides offline and upload, then record video and audio with webcam. 
  • Develop presentation skill & confidence.  
  • Video tour


  • Amazing iPad app to create the simple, elegant and effective slide decks.
  • Search only finds CC licensed photos
  • Slide decks are published on the web and can be embedded elsewhere.  
  • "Design beautiful online flyers and publish instantly."
  • Great for creating a single page collage, poster, flyer.
  • Create colorful posters for the classroom. 
  • Annie Davis did a nice one as a Back to School newsletter
  • Could be used to do a visual presentation.


  • Create multimedia stories based on a timeline and a map.
  • Images are added to locations on a map and along a timeline. 
  • Narrate your story, then share. 


  • Easy to use search tool for Creative Commons licensed images.
  • Provides a snippet of code to embed attribution on a web page.  
Photo Editing Options  






Tool   Notes  & Resources Examples 
  • Handy group texting service - students text your keyword to 41411 and are immediately subscribed to your updates. handy for teachers sending out homework reminders, updates to parents, etc. 
  • Sue Kowalski mentioned this in the latest NYLA newsletter "send messages to a list of subscribers via text message and can use to promote activities, contests, and services available at the library.   Many teachers use it as well for homework reminders, conversation starters, and resource distribution. I've also used it for ski club and various field trip groups. "
  • (alternative: Class Pager


  • Make the most of Twitter! If you're already a twitter fan, you know the benefits of connecting with colleagues and sharing ideas. 
  • If you're not ready to jump in and start tweeting, you can still benefit by following some really good subject discussions. 
  • #tlchat is a great place to get your feet wet. Tweets with that #tlchat hashtag (as it's called in twitterspeak) are all about teacher-librarian information. Follow the hashtag directly on Twitter or through Tweetchat 
  • Joyce Valenza set up a #tlchat which turns the resources mentioned via #tlchat into a handy daily newspaper. 
  • 100 Best Twitter Tools for Teachers 



Twitter-ish ideas
  • Today's Meet for a backchannel - use it to record reactions, questions, ideas during a presentation. Could do book 'tweets' with it.
  • Love this exercise from Gwyneth Jones -- book teaser tweets


  • Instant, simple, poll tool. No sign up required.
  • Gather feedback in a flash.


  • Create a network of blogs for your students.
  • Simple, safe, created for educators.
  • Free!!  


  • iGoogle is going away. Protopage could be your replacement 











Articles, Lists, More to Explore





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